Tuesday, October 30, 2012

OBIEE 11g Features

Some important points/enhancements in OBIEE 11g when compared to OBIEE 10g are listed below
  1. OBIEE 11g uses WebLogic Server as the application server as compared to Oracle AS or OC4J in OBIEE 10g.
  2. The clustering process in much easier and automated in OBIEE 11g.
  3. We can now model lookup tables in the repository.
  4. The new UI called Unified Framework now combines Answers, Dashboards, and Delivers.
  5. A new column called the hierarchical column in introduced.
  6. BI Publishers is fully and seamlessly integrated with OBIEE 11g.
  7. New time series functions PERIOD ROLLING and AGGREGATE AT are introduced.
  8. In OBIEE 11g we can create KPIs to represent business metrics.
  9. The aggregate persistence wizard creates indexes automatically.
  10. The session variables get initialized when they are actually used in OBIEE 11g unlike OBIEE 10g where they were initialized as soon as a user logs in.
  11. OBIEE 11g now supports Ragged (Unbalanced) and Skipped Hierarchy.
  12. You can also define Parent-Child hierarchy in OBIEE 11g as well.
  13. SELECT_PHYSICAL command is supported in OBIEE 11g.
In OBIEE 11g there are some changes in the terminology as well.
  • iBots are renamed as Agents.
  • Requests are renamed as Analyses.
  • Repository password was introduced in obiee 11g  
  • Difference of Siebel & OBIEE
  • 1. In OBIEE, we can use Evaluate fn
    2. Time series wizard s used in Siebel whereas ago & todate functions added in OBIEE
    3. OCI call interface connection is available in OBIEE
    4. Presentation variables are introduced
    5. Meta data dictionary is there in obiee
    6. Multi select feature ( contains any, begins with, ends with, wildcards like %) are available in obiee

  • Difference of OBIEE 10g and 11g
    1. In 10g OC4J (Oracle container for java) . In 11g its Weblogic server
    2. Security is managed by RPD in 10 g. In 11g the security is managed by the welogic server.
    3. In 10g we had Foreign key join (physical layer) & complex key join (BMM). We only have a New Key Join in case of 11g , which is used at both the BMM & Physical layer.
    4. 11g supports cross join hierarchies example we can move from customer dimension to product dimension during drilling down. Supports ragged hierarchies etc.
    5. 11g also has column hierarchies available in the presentation services, which are created simply by dragging the dimension hierarchies from the BMM layer to the presentation layer in RPD. when column hierarchies are used to build an analyses the default view is Pivot table.
    6. The time series functions Ago & ToDate which where only available in the RPD with 10g are now also available in the presentation services along with a new function Period rolling.
    7. The analyses can now by reconstructed at run time, that means we can move column attribute from the x-axis to the y-axis and reverse as well.
    8.KPI’s are available in the 11g along with KPI Watchlist on which they are deployed to be viewed by the end user. Key Performance indicators (metrics very essential for the business)
    9. Concept of scorecards is available in 11g, which can measure the goal/mission by using KPI’s as the building blocks for the same
    10. concept of Seletions is now available in the presentation services in 11g.
    11. There is a single portal for the bi publisher/bi intelligence. The reports that are built in the BI Publisher are stored in the same catalog, as the analyses created using the bi intelligence.
    12. 11g has Action Framework which can by used to invoke, existing analyses, html, java procedures.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

rittmanmead important document links for modify the xml files



 obiee document

Saturday, October 27, 2012

pivot table background color issue in obiee 11g

Add this html tag in static view  appand the static view and pivot table view

<style>.PTCC {background-color:white;border-top:white;border-bottom:white;border-left:white;border-right:white}</style>

 use full for the prompt constraint from first to second

time code:

SELECT case when 0= 1 then "Time"."Per Name Week" else 'Year' end  FROM "D-P Sales" union all SELECT case when 0= 1 then "Time"."Per Name Week" else 'Month' end  FROM "D-P Sales"

Period code:

SELECT case when '@{Time}' = 'Month' then "Time"."Per Name Month" when '@{Time}' = 'Year' then "Time"."Per Name Year" else 'N/A' end  FROM "D-P Sales"

Code for vertical lines between words

'<table cellspacing="-0" border="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr valign="top" align="center"> <td width="306"><p>Sales Store</p></td>  <td width="-0" bgcolor="#8B8989"><BR></td>  <td width="300" valign="top" align="center"> <p>Sales Index (Store)</p>  </td>  </tr>  </table>'

Thursday, October 25, 2012

script for removing column header in obiee11g

<script type="text/javascript">
var tds = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
var lCSS = new Array();
for(var td=0;td<tds.length;td++){
if( tds[td].className != 'PTCC' ){
if( tds[td].className != 'PTCHC0 PT_CPLCHLD PTLC' ){

for(var len =0; len < lCSS.length; len++){

Monday, October 22, 2012

Top 5 salary employees sql query in oracle

    FROM (SELECT salary, first_name
            FROM employees
        ORDER BY salary desc)
   WHERE rownum <= 3;
select ename,sal 
from (select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc) where rownum<=5; 
second highest salary with out using max() function :
SELECT empno,salary FROM
WHERE rn = 2
SELECT empno,salary from
SELECT empno,salary,rownum rn from emp order by salary desc)
WHERE rn = 2 
select salary from empsal
where rownum<2
order by salary desc 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

concat function in obiee

Method 1.
CONCAT (expression1, expression2)
character_expression Expressions that evaluate to character strings (if numeric you can use CAST function).
For example – CONCAT (‘The year is ‘, CAST(TimeTable.FiscalYear AS CHAR))
Method 2:
CONCAT (expression1 || expression2 || expression3 and so forth)
Very much like the previous one – expressions that evaluate to character strings, separated by the concatenation operator || (double vertical bars).
For example – CONCAT (‘Total is: $’ || SalesFact.TotalSales ||  ‘USD’)

I need to display the store number like prefix of RST :  RST34556 i used below function i solved it.
' RST'  || Cast( "DWH"."".""."Dim_DWH_GEOG_D"."STORENUMBER"  AS CHAR)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

some of obiee11g concept explined well 


Thursday, October 11, 2012

bi publisher in 11g


Waterfall view in obiee

This code need to add in Instanceconfig.ini  under the views tab

then we get the new view type waterfall we get in views list . restart the service once you placed it in config

Saturday, October 6, 2012

mapviwer Configuration in 11g
